Experimental Methods Of...

Existing, among other things.

26 January 2006


I'm just not cut out for O.C.D., no matter how fun I think it could be. I get bored to easily, and don't have the motivation to keep up something meaningless. I shouldn't complain, I suppose, idlest I don't have to worry about going insane when the empty sugar packets are spread around the table, instead of rolled up nicely into the empty creamer cups(Poor, poor Paul). I wish I had some links or pictures to accompany that statement, so, I suppose I'll have to write out a short history.

My friend Paul, who I met back in the days of spending endless hours at IHOP with about 50-odd other kids around my age from all over town, used to always roll up any empty sugar packets and stuff them into an empty creamer cup, and then stack any other empty creamer cups under the one with the little paper rolls sticking out of it. After about a year, I finally realized that he was doing it intentionally. So, the next time he got up to relieve himself(usually around cup 6 or 7, so, many empty packets and cups were assembled), I separated the components of his project and scattered them around the table. Without blinking, he resumed conversation, and, retrieved every piece littering the table and reassembled the monument to mental health.

Of course, this led to more experimenting, and, after about the third time, Paul realized that I was undoing all his compulsory construction, and began saying "You fucker." as part of his routine.

That was about 7 years ago, and I still think this is about the greatest 'coffee sport' I've found to date. ^ ^


At 29/1/06 13:25, Blogger Heather Meadows said...

Wow, that's kinda neat. I have some compulsions myself--I always change the toilet roll if it's empty, even if it's not my house (in fact, I did it this morning at my friend Brooke's house), and often when I'm in a public restroom (and I always get so irritated at the dispensers that require a key to open). I also notice little details like crumbs or stains and want to clean them up immediately.

I don't think I've always been like this. I think it started when I got my own place and was suddenly responsible for all the cleanliness. My husband has a very OCD mother, so I built some compulsive habits in order to at least mimic the cleanliness of her house.

However, I don't think my compulsive behavior started three years ago. I think it informs how I go through life. I tend to work in bursts, as though driven by a compulsion to finish the task. I eat compulsively. If I get an idea in my head that I really want to act on, and am unable to, I become severely depressed...well, at least to the point that I can't seem to get anything else done.

And yes, typically I do tidy up the table after eating...though not in such a carefully planned way as your friend Paul, I don't think.


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